Can you swap a Noryl teasmade teapot for a china one?

It is possible to exchange a Noryl teasmade teapot for a china one, or vice versa?

Can you swap a Noryl teasmade teapot for a china one?

It is possible (in most cases) to exchange a Noryl teasmade teapot for a china one, and vice versa. Doug explains:

I have both Noryl teapot and 835 Teasmade. I swapped the ceramic teapot for the Noryl and it sat on the base ok. The only possible problem is the plastic teapot is a lot lighter than the ceramic one. This could cause it to fail to depress the teapot locator button. But I doubt it, as the Noryl pot has a depression in the bottom just for this purpose. If you should get a warning buzz when setting up just press the teapot down.

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