The opening chapters of 'Teasmade, a Potted History', now FREE!

I am delighted to announce that the opening chapters of 'Teasmade, a Potted History' are now FREE!

The opening chapters of 'Teasmade, a Potted History', now FREE!
Charles Maynard Walker as I imagine him

I am delighted to announce that the opening chapters of 'Teasmade, a Potted History' are now FREE for all to read!

I was intending to make a concerted effort to complete the book this year, but life keeps getting in the way of my plans. I am still working on the book, but it won't be released as soon as I hoped. In the meantime, I am hoping that by making access to the book free, I will receive more encouragement to crack on with it! If you are not yet subscribed, simply click the Subscribe button on this page.

To read the opening chapters, click here!

And don't forget that subscribers can comment on these pages - I look forward to hearing what you think of the story so far!

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