Selling and Donating

Please don’t throw your old teasmade out. Your model might be just the one somebody needs to add to their own collection.

Selling and Donating

Rehoming via this website

Please add a comment on the Rehoming page if you would like to advertise your teasmade or a spare part to fellow teasmade enthusiasts. Personally, I am only interested in pre-war models, but we all have different fascinations.

Donating old teasmades

If you'd rather find a way to donate your teasmade locally, you could try FreecycleFaceBook Marketplace, or take it to a charity shop dealing with electricals (including some Red Cross and British Heart Foundation branches), or to a Men’s Shed.

Selling old teasmades

If you'd like to try and sell your teasmade, I recommend eBayGumtreeShpock, or FaceBook Marketplace, but always beware of scammers!

Beyond repair?

Is your teasmade past the point of no return? It may still have a value for its parts - you could rehome it as one unit or break it up and rehome the spares individually.


If you decide to dispose of your teasmade, you can find good advice on recycling electricals on the Recycle Your Electricals website.

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