War of the Worlds
A three-episode mini-series adaptation of the H G Wells novel, created by by Mammoth Screen, was first aired in the UK on 17th November 2019. It was set in the Edwardian period, and starred Eleanor Tomlinson as Amy (she’s best known as Demelza in Poldark), and Rupert Graves as Frederick. I was thrilled to see a fictional teasmade invention featured in the series. The model was created by Manchester based model makers WoofDogBark. It is loosely based on the Richardson teasmade. It’s stunning isn’t it?
Jeff from WoofDogBark told me that one of Mammoth’s art department designers gave them the brass teapot. They gave the team free reign to do whatever they felt looked correct, as long as the teapot tilted to pour into a cup. Jeff said it was a very enjoyable prop to make.
Here is the finished prop in the scene (sorry about the quality of my screen capture!)