Why is there still water in my teasmade after it has boiled?
A reader asked why the kettle was still half full of water after running her teasmade. Doug explains...

A reader asked why, after operating her D25, the kettle remained half full of water and the teapot was half empty. Doug replied as follows:
I have an unused 1958 D25, so all the settings are as it left the factory. I filled the kettle with 1 litre (just under 2 pints) of water which was sufficient to cause the platform to tilt down, and set the element to start heating up.
After it boiled, I left it to cool down, then measured the water in the teapot and that left in the kettle. There was just under ½ litre in the teapot, and just over ½ litre still in the kettle, which covered the element. This was a safety precaution by Goblin to prevent the element boiling dry.
The depth of water in the teapot was only about 1½ inches, which is about what you describe, so I don't think your D25 is at fault - that is how it should be.
Here are some photos of Doug's water transfer experiment:

As a matter of interest, Doug tops up the kettle on his D25D every evening with ¾ litre of water to add to the residual amount already there. This is sufficient for two medium mugs of tea. You could add a little more water but be sure not to overfill the kettle.