Goblin Companion Tea Set offer leaflet
Goblin Companion Tea Set offer leaflet

This fabulous leaflet shows several companion sets offered concurrently. It must have been published after 1977, when the Goblin 860 was launched, and I know for sure that it was given away in the shipping box of the Goblin 870. It features
- a four piece Royal Albert Silver Maple tea set, (minus the teaspoons which used to come with it!)
- two floral Royal Albert Lavender Rose breakfast mugs (without saucers)
- a pair of earthenware mugs featuring the slogan "My Tea's Made", which were exclusive to this offer.

Included alongside the tea sets, three other BSR Housewares products were featured:
- the Swan Automatic Kettle
- some Judge Provencale ovenware
- a Swan 'Herb' Deep Fat Fryer.