1970 Goblin Teasmade D25d

The Goblin Teasmade model D25d was launched in 1970. The D25d was also available in a Queen Anne version.

It featured a modern brushed stainless steel clock face. The kettle and teapot were no longer set diagonally. The new style kettle and teapot, the same as those on the 834, had a short transfer tube leading to the spout of the teapot instead of to a feeder hole in the pot lid. The teapot had a black lid. The socket was the same circular type as on the D25c.

The D25 series had now been manufactured since 1955 and its art deco Odeon styling was starting to feel very dated. Now, of course, it is sought after for its retro styling!

Goblin Leatherhead records confirm that on 30th Dec 1970 Goblin announced a price increase of 5% on all models except the D25 to take effect from 1st February 1971. It appears that the price was held in order to clear stock.
A memo from 6th July 1971 announced a further price increase of 5% on the 833, 834 and 835, no increase on the 815, and no mention of the D25d. So we can conclude that stocks of the D25 definitely ran out in early 1971.
A memo in 1971 further confirmed that the demise of the D25 series was final. The D25 was replaced by the model 835, which had commenced production in June 1970.
Doug bought his trusty Goblin D25D 1971 in 2010 from a lady who was selling it 'collect only' as the motor did not work. Doug thought he could repair it, but by the time he got it home, all the jumbling about on the underground had jolted the motor back to life! It has been running pretty well continuously ever since. In 2024 he had to replace the bulb - it was probably the original, in which case it had lasted 53 years - that's longevity for you!