1960 Goblin Teasmade D25b

1960 Goblin Teasmade D25b
1966 Goblin D25b

In January 1960 Goblin was assessing redesign ideas for the D25. The goal was to achieve a design which incorporated a new style of kettle, a new platform mechanism along the lines of the D26 or an improved modification of this, and a new and less expensive clock movement.

A design by Miles Aircraft was discarded in January 1960 because it had a poorly designed clock case and position, and offered little improvement on the original D25. Within the year, however, the Goblin D25b introduced. It was the first model made at Goblin’s Leatherhead works.

Despite all the debate, the D25b was very similar in appearance to the D25, with only cosmetic changes. The clock chapter ring was now gold or brown, with black hands. The platform featured a small lip, designed to stop the teapot from slipping off. The teapot remained on the left. The wiring remained with a two pin kettle socket with an external earth.

A deluxe Queen Anne version was also introduced as a gift set, including a stainless steel circular teapot and a bone china tea service.

The red Goblin logo was dropped from the case front in around 1964.

See also Operating Instructions for D20, D21 and D25.

1966 Goblin D25b
1966 Goblin D25b

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