Thornton Models

1932 William H B Thornton Prototype Teasmade 1

1932 William H B Thornton Prototype Teasmade 1

William Hermann Brenner Thornton created a plywood bodied prototype teasmade in 1932. The example illustrated here was donated to the
1 min read
1933 W H B Thornton 2nd Patent GB-414088A-I

1933 William H B Thornton Prototype Teasmade 2

On January 27th 1933, William Hermann Brenner Thornton applied for his first patent on a teasmade. This was less than
1 min read
1934 William Hermann Brenner Thornton

1934 William H B Thornton Prototype Teasmade 3

On January 23rd 1934 William Hermann Brenner Thornton, (on this occasion calling himself William Harry Thornton), applied for a second
1 min read